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Limited Service Mobile Veterinary Practice
Wellness & Preventative Care

We provide various wellness care options in-home including: exams, vaccinations, fecal exams, blood work, and prescription medications. 

We work with dogs, cats, and most exotic species.


Because we want your Pet to get the best care, we may refer you to a local or emergency clinic if we feel your Pet needs more extensive care than we can offer in-home.

Spay, Neuter &

We offer spay and neuter surgeries for dogs and cats. We do have a size limit, please contact us to discuss. 

We offer COHATs (Complete Oral Health Assessment and Treatment) for dogs and cats. All patients will receive a full general anesthetic, have a complete oral exam, have dental X-rays taken, and the teeth will be scaled & polished.  

It is not possible to fully assess a pet’s dental health if a pet is awake and only the visible tissues of the mouth are observed. Dental X-rays are vital in the evaluation of your pet’s dental health to allow detection of problems that cannot be seen during an oral exam, as well as an aid in making treatment strategies and to evaluate treatment outcomes. For these reasons we perform full oral X-rays on all cases. 

End of Life Care

Whether your senior pet just needs a little extra attention or it is time to say your final goodbyes; we provide in-home end of life care to support you and your Pet.

We understand how difficult and heartbreaking saying goodbye can be, and we offer home euthanasia services so your Pet can spend their final moments peacefully in the comfort of their own home.

Cremation packages are available.

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